

                             美国CME办公室现已获得认可                               供应商提供以下学分


















The 十大玩彩信誉平台 医学院 is accredited by the 联合认证 to provide continuing medical education for the healthcare 团队 by the healthcare 团队.  For more than 40 years, USA's 医学院 has been dedicated to sponsoring medical education activities that enable healthcare professionals and the healthcare 团队更好地诊断、治疗、管理和教育他们的病人.  行政长官办公室 继续医学教育 plans and implements CME activities in accordance with the 联合认证 Criteria and the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence.

行政长官办公室 继续医学教育 provides live, live webcasts, and enduring 医学教育活动涉及广泛的临床学科. 请参阅我们的 表列在左栏.


7:00 - 4:30


Disclosure information for all those affiliated with or who may affect/control a CME 活动.
Content or format in a CME 活动 or its related materials that promotes the products 或者不合格公司的业务线. 如诚信标准所述 and Independence in Accredited 继续教育, providers are responsible for 保护
学习商业偏见和市场营销. 除了防止影响 ineligible 公司, the Standards prohibit faculty from actively promoting or selling 为他们的专业或经济利益服务的产品或服务.
Financial or in-kind support from an ACCME-defined ineligible company that is used 支付CME活动的全部或部分费用. 接收要求 and managing commercial support are explained in the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited 继续教育, specifically Standard 4: Manage 适当的商业支持.
Accredited providers must collect information from all planners, faculty, and others in control of educational content about all their financial relationships with ineligible 过去24个月内的公司. There is no minimum financial threshold; individuals must disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible 公司. Individuals must disclose financial relationships with ineligible 公司 regardless of their view of the relevance of the relationship to the education. 看到 还有相关的财务关系.
Companies that are ineligible to be accredited in the ACCME System (ineligible 公司) are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or 分发患者使用或患者身上使用的医疗保健产品.
As defined in the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, specifically, Standard 3: Identify, Mitigate, and Disclose Relevant Financial Relationships, relevant financial relationships are financial relationships of any 量与
ineligible 公司 if the educational content is related to the business lines or 不合格公司的产品. 供应商必须收集信息 from all those individuals in control of educational content about all of their financial 过去24个月内与不合格公司的关系. 提供者是 然后负责确定哪些关系是相关的.



registered practitioners for maintaining the ability to prescribe opioids in Alabama

"Recently congress mandated a new one-time requirement for practitioners register 或者更新缉毒局执照. 从2023年6月27日开始,所有DEA注册从业者 with the exception of veterinarians, must attest to completing eight hours of training 与治疗物质使用障碍患者有关.

培训必须在提交新申请之前完成. 如果你是 an existing registrant, you must attest to completing this training before your next 更新日期. 培训可以在各种环境中进行,也可以在多个课程中进行. If you previously completed trainings such as the Data Waiver, which is also known 作为X豁免,那么你已经满足了这个要求. 此外,还有 其他可能适用的豁免. 点击此链接获取更多信息.

Once it is time for you to renew or apply for a new registration and you have satisfied these requirements, head to the renewal or new application section of the DEA Diversion 网站确认您的培训并完成您的申请. 没有要求 向缉毒局提交一份培训记录. 为此,我们正在扩大从业人员的数量 有资格在全国范围内治疗阿片类药物使用障碍.900万注册人."




Congress mandated and the DEA has introduced a new one-time requirement for eight (8) hours of training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other 物质使用障碍(SUDs). 该要求将于2023年6月27日生效. Note that this requirement refers to SUDs of all types, and not just 阿片类药物使用障碍. All DEA-registered practitioners must meet this requirement and beginning June 27, will be required to affirm that they have completed the new training requirement.  





§  The National institute on Drug Abuse provides several CME activities on opioid 使用障碍和病耻感.

§  The AMA currently offers a free 1-hour course on prescribing buprenorphine for 阿片类药物使用障碍.

§  The Medical Association of the State of Alabama (MASA) offers courses on prescribing 阿片类药物和疼痛管理. 

§  The American College of Physicians' learning center offers courses on a range of related subjects, including articles on naloxone, marijuana, and buprenorphine. 


§SBIRT -筛选和短暂干预,转诊和治疗 

§  Tap 33: Systems-level implementation of Screening and Brief Intervention, Referral 和治疗 

Opioid Abuse in Chronic Pain — Misconceptions and Mitigation Strategies - NEJM, March 31, 2016